Work is still progressing on the new aviaries today with more roof timbers being added, further updates will be posted at a later date as we progress with this exciting project. More about the aviaries can be found on yesterdays post.
In the office there has been loads going on, the phone has been quite busy with future bookings, two of our volunteers, Jim & Becky have had the task of re-designing the display boards for fundraising events, these need to be ready for Saturday, in time for our visit to Regency Arcade in Cheltenham.
Becky with Luna the Barn Owl & Jim with Kaln the Eagle Owl |
Today we had an Owl Flying Experience taking place, the guests on the experience had a great time & so did the Owls who they flew, these were Luna the Barn Owl & Turner the Eagle Owl. Turner, whilst out had an episode with a pair of crows who simply wanted to annoy him, this is something he is very used to, but now they quickly give up because he shows no interest in their antics to wind him up, still funny to watch though.
Barn Owl in flight, what a beautiful creature to be able to work with, amazing birds! |
Also there was an un-educated Wood Pigeon that ignorantly landed on a post Turner was quickly heading towards, being unaware of this, a sudden look on the pigeons face turner to fright, his eyes appeared the same size as the Eagle Owls, he did get out of the way very quickly, very funny to watch.
The wildife on the farm was very active today, this included the local Buzzards & a the pair of Ravens. A local female Kestrel was actively hovering over around the farm, searching for prey with many successful stoops being made into the grasslands to catch Short-tailed Voles.
In the Owl Box Workshop, Warren was busy building up our stock supply of Owl Boxes ready for the months ahead. in addition he was finishing off 4 Owl Manors, which need to be ready for our Conservation Team next week as this is when we aim to get them delivered & installed.
All in all, a productive day.Flying Eagles Owls our way is simply breathtaking |